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Старый 08.09.2011, 04:04   #1
Хал. Ник.
D3.net.ua ART team
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Регистрация: 06.10.2008
Адрес: Tristram
Сообщений: 495
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Восклицание Эффекты рун[Runestone effects]

Shock Pulse

Crimson Rune - Fire Bolts
Casts out bolts of fire to deal {Script Formula 4} - [{Script Formula 3} + {Script Formula 4}] Fire damage per bolt.

Indigo Rune - Lightning Orb
Turn the bolts into a floating orb of static lightning that drifts directly forward, zapping up to {Script Formula 20} nearby enemies for {Script Formula 3} - [{Script Formula 3} + {Script Formula 4}] Lightning damage.

Obsidian Rune - Piercing Orb
Merge the bolts in a a single giant orb that oscillates forward dealing {Script Formula 11} - [{Script Formula 11} + {Script Formula 12}] Lightning damage to everything it hits with a [{Script Formula 5} *100]% chance to pierce through enemies.

Golden Rune - Lightning Affinity
Every target hit by a pulse restores {Script Formula 15} Arcane Power.

Alabaster Rune - Explosive Bolts
Slain enemies have a [{Script Formula 10}*100]% chance to explode dealing {Script Formula 9} - [{Script Formula 9} + {Script Formula 17}] Lightning damage to every enemy within {Script Formula 8} yards.


Storm Armor

Crimson Rune - Strike Back
Increase the damage of the shock to {Script Formula 1} - [{Script Formula 1}+{Script Formula 2}] Lightning damage.

Indigo Rune - Static Charge
Increase the duration of Storm Armor to {Script Formula 0} seconds.

Obsidian Rune - Reactive Armor
Whenever you are hit you are enveloped with a lightning shield for {Script Formula 20} seconds that shocks nearby enemies for [{Script Formula 9}]-[{Script Formula 9}+{Script Formula 13}] Lightning damage.

Golden Rune - Power Source
Reduce the cost of all abilities by {Script Formula 7} Arcane Power while Storm Armor is active.

Alabaster Rune - Crackling With Power
Whenever you cast a spell that critically hits, you also shock a nearby enemy for {Script Formula 15} - [{Script Formula 15} + {Script Formula 16}] Lightning damage.


Frost Nova

Crimson Rune - Chill to the Bone
Enemies take [{Script Formula 16}*100]% more damage while frozen or chilled by Frost Nova .

Indigo Rune - Shatter
A frozen enemy that is killed has a [{Script Formula 14}*100]% chance of exploding in a smaller Frost Nova causing {Script Formula 7} - [{Script Formula 7}+{Script Formula 10}] Cold damage.

Obsidian Rune - Frozen Mist
The Frost Nova no longer freezes enemies, but instead leaves behind a mist of frost for {Script Formula 9} seconds that deals {Script Formula 11} Cold damage per second to enemies standing in it.

Golden Rune - Cold Snap
Reduce cooldown to {Script Formula 3} seconds.

Alabaster Rune - Deep Freeze
If Frost Nova hits at least {Script Formula 13} targets, you gain [{Script Formula 18} * 100]% chance to critically hit for Script Formula 19} seconds


Magic Missile

Crimson Rune - Charged Blast
Damage increased to {Script Formula 1} - [{Script Formula 1} + {Script Formula 0}] Arcane damage.

Indigo Rune - Fork
Fires {Script Formula 5} missiles that do {Script Formula 17} - [{Script Formula 17} + {Script Formula 18}] damage each.

Obsidian Rune - Penetrating Blast
Missiles have a [{Script Formula 12}*100]% chance to pierce through their target and hit additional targets.

Golden Rune - Attunement
Whenever Magic Missile hits a target you gain {Script Formula 16} Arcane Power.

Alabaster Rune - Seeker
Missiles track the nearest target and damage is increased to {Script Formula 3} - [{Script Formula 3} + {Script Formula 2}] Arcane damage.



Crimson Rune - Intensify
Damage increases slowly over time to inflict a maximum of {Script Formula 23} - [{Script Formula 23} + {Script Formula 24}] Arcane damage per second.

Indigo Rune - Convergence
Increase the width of the beam allowing it to hit more enemies for {Script Formula 23} - [{Script Formula 23} + {Script Formula 24}] Arcane damage per second.

Obsidian Rune - Entropy
The beam fractures into a short ranged cone causing {Script Formula 2} - [{Script Formula 2} + {Script Formula 3}] Arcane damage per second.

Golden Rune - Chaos Field
When casting the beam you become charged with energy that spits out at nearby enemies doing {Script Formula 7} - [{Script Formula 7} + {Script Formula 26}] Arcane damage.

Alabaster Rune - Volatility
Enemies killed by the beam have a [{Script Formula 12} * 100]% chance to explode causing {Script Formula 9} - [{Script Formula 9} + {Script Formula 13}] Arcane damage to all enemies within {Script Formula 25} yards.


Wave of Force

Crimson Rune - Forceful Wave
Increases damage to {Script Formula 2} - [{Script Formula 2} + {Script Formula 3}] physical damage but also reduces knockback.

Indigo Rune - Exploding Wave
Enemies hit have a [{Script Formula 16} * 100]% chance to cause a smaller Wave of Force that does {Script Formula 23} - [{Script Formula 23} + {Script Formula 24}] physical damage and knocks back enemies caught in its wake.

Obsidian Rune - Teleporting Wave
Enemies caught in the wave have a [{Script Formula 14} * 100]% chance to randomly teleport to somewhere else nearby.

Golden Rune - Force Affinity
Reduce casting cost to {Resource Cost} Arcane Power and cooldown is reduced to {Script Formula 30}seconds.

Alabaster Rune - Impactful Wave
Increases the distance enemies are knocked back and stuns all affected enemies for [{Script Formula 10}|1|] seconds.


Spectral Blade

Crimson Rune - Deep Cuts
Enemies hit by the blade will bleed for an additional [{Script Formula 4} * 100]% weapon damage done over {Script Formula 6} seconds.

Indigo Rune - Thrown Blade
Extends the blades out to reach everything within {Script Formula 3} yards dealing [{Script Formula 21} * 100]% weapon damage.

Obsidian Rune - Impactful Blades
Hits have a [{Script Formula 19} * 100]% chance to cause knockback and slow the movement of enemies by [{Script Formula 12} * 100]% for {Script Formula 11} seconds.

Golden Rune - Siphoning Blade
Every enemy hit grants {Script Formula 13} Arcane Power.

Alabaster Rune - Healing Blades
Whenever the blades do critical damage, you are healed [{Script Formula 15} * 100]% of the damage caused.


Stone Skin (Unknown Ability)

Crimson Rune - Wizard_StoneSkin
[{Stone Skin Thorns Percent} * 100]% of damage is reflected back at attackers.

Indigo Rune - Wizard_StoneSkin
Increases duration by {Stone Skin Armor Duration} seconds.

Obsidian Rune - Wizard_StoneSkin
Increases damage absorption amount by {Hitpoints That Shield Can Absorb}.

Golden Rune - Wizard_StoneSkin
Mana cost decreased by [-1 * {Resource Cost}].

Alabaster Rune - Wizard_StoneSkin
When Stone Skin expires it deals {Physical Damage Min#1} to [{Physical Damage Min#1} + {Physical Damage Delta#1}] physical damage to all nearby enemies.


Mirror Image

Crimson Rune - Copy Cat
Spells the images cast will do [{Script Formula 4}*100]% of the damage as your own.

Indigo Rune - Army of Me
Summons {Script Formula 1} illusionary duplicates that have [{Script Formula 3}*100]% of your Life each.

Obsidian Rune - Body Double
Increases the Life of your images to [{Script Formula 3}*100]% of your Life.

Golden Rune - Extension of Will
The duration of the images is increased to {Script Formula 2} seconds and increases the Life of your images to [{Script Formula 3}*100]% of your Life.

Alabaster Rune - Mocking Demise
When an image is destroyed it explodes, doing {Script Formula 5} - [{Script Formula 5}+{Script Formula 6}] physical damage and has [{Script Formula 7}*100]% chance to stun enemies it hits for {Script Formula 8} seconds.


Stone Spike (Unknown Ability)

Crimson Rune - Wizard_StoneSpike
Damage Increased By {Physical Damage Min}.

Indigo Rune - Wizard_StoneSpike
Adds up to {Stone Spike Number of Spikes} additional spike(s).

Obsidian Rune - Wizard_StoneSpike
Adds a [{Stun Chance}*100|+|]% chance to stun each target for 3 seconds.

Golden Rune - Wizard_StoneSpike
Arcanum Cost Decreased By [-1 * {Resource Cost}].

Alabaster Rune - Wizard_StoneSpike
Critical Strike Chance [{Physical Hit Crit Chance} * 100|+|]%



Crimson Rune - Calamity
Casts a low power Wave of Force on arrival dealing {Script Formula 2} - [{Script Formula 2} + {Script Formula 3}] physical damage to all enemies nearby.

Indigo Rune - Fracture
Summon {Script Formula 8} mirror images for {Script Formula 9} |4second:seconds; on arrival.

Obsidian Rune - Phase Out
For {Script Formula 15} |4second:seconds; after you appear you will take [{Script Formula 14} * 100]% less damage.

Golden Rune - Rebound
Casting Teleport again within {Script Formula 18} |4second:seconds; will instantly bring you back to your original location.

Alabaster Rune - Wormhole
After casting Teleport there is a [{Script Formula 16}|1|] second delay before the cooldown begins.


Ice Armor

Crimson Rune - Jagged Ice
Attackers take {Script Formula 0} - [{Script Formula 0}+{Script Formula 1}] Cold damage and are chilled for [{Script Formula 4}|1|] |4second:seconds;.

Indigo Rune - Chilling Aura
Lower the temperature of the air around you. Nearby enemies are chilled, slowing their movement and attack speed, for [{Script Formula 23}|1|] seconds.

Obsidian Rune - Frozen Storm
A whirling storm of ice builds around you that deals {Script Formula 9} - [{Script Formula 9}+{Script Formula 10}] Cold damage per second for {Script Formula 8} seconds after casting Ice Armor.

Golden Rune - Crystallize
Whenever you are struck by a melee attack the bonus armor granted by Ice Armor is increased by [{Script Formula 26} * 100]% for {Script Formula 27}seconds. This effect can stack up to {Script Formula 11} times.

Alabaster Rune - Ice Reflect
Attacks have a [{Script Formula 12}*100]% chance to create a Frost Nova on the attacker dealing {Script Formula 13} - [{Script Formula 13} + {Script Formula 14}] Cold damage.



Crimson Rune - Ball Lightning
Creates a streak of lightning that pierces targets, hitting all enemies in its path for {Script Formula 0} - [{Script Formula 0}+{Script Formula 1}] Lightning damage.

Indigo Rune - Chain Lightning
Increases the maximum number of jumps to {Script Formula 9} enemies.

Obsidian Rune - Arc Lightning
Blast a cone of lightning that causes {Script Formula 0} - [{Script Formula 0}+{Script Formula 1}] Lightning damage to all affected targets.

Golden Rune - Power Surge
Gain {Script Formula 6} Arcane Power for every target hit by Electrocute.

Alabaster Rune - Shock Treatment
Critical hits with this skill cause an explosion of {Script Formula 14} charged bolts in random directions, dealing {Script Formula 12} - [{Script Formula 12}+{Script Formula 13}] Lightning damage to any targets hit.


Energy Twister

Crimson Rune - Gale Force
Increase damage to {Script Formula 0} Arcane damage per second.

Indigo Rune - Super Storm
When two twisters touch they merge into a tornado with an increased area of effect that causes {Script Formula 2} Arcane damage per second.

Obsidian Rune - Trail of Destruction
The ground touched by a twister is covered in an energy trail that causes {Script Formula 5} Arcane damage per second to any enemies that stand in it.

Golden Rune - Mistral Breeze
Reduce casting cost to {Resource Cost} Arcane Power.

Alabaster Rune - Wicked Wind
Twister no longer travels but spins in place dealing {Script Formula 0} Arcane damage per second to everything caught within it.


Ray of Frost

Crimson Rune - Snow Blast
Damage increases slowly over [{Script Formula 31}|1|] seconds to inflict a maximum of {Script Formula 20} - [{Script Formula 20} + {Script Formula 21}] Cold damage per second.

Indigo Rune - Sleet Storm
Create a swirling storm of sleet dealing {Script Formula 6} - [{Script Formula 6} + {Script Formula 22}] Cold damage per second to all enemies caught within it.

Obsidian Rune - Numb
Increase enemy slow amount to [{Script Formula 14} * 100]% for [{Script Formula 4}|1|] seconds, but damage is reduced to {Script Formula 26} - [{Script Formula 26} + {Script Formula 27}] Cold damage per second.

Golden Rune - Cold Blood
Reduce casting cost to {Script Formula 19} Arcane Power per second.

Alabaster Rune - Black Ice
Enemies who die leave a patch of ice on the ground that causes {Script Formula 3} - [{Script Formula 3} + {Script Formula 23}] Cold damage per second to enemies moving through it.



Crimson Rune - Unrelenting Storm
Increase the duration of the Blizzard to {Script Formula 4} seconds.

Indigo Rune - Stark Winter
Increase the size of the Blizzard to cover {Script Formula 3} yards, and deal {Script Formula 0} - [{Script Formula 0} + {Script Formula 1}]Cold damage per second.

Obsidian Rune - White Out
After the Blizzard ends, cover the ground in a low lying mist for [{Script Formula 7}|1|] seconds that slows any enemies who enters it.

Golden Rune - Stay Frosty
Reduce the casting cost to {Resource Cost} Arcane Power.

Alabaster Rune - Frozen Solid
Enemies caught in the storm have a [{Script Formula 10} * 100]% chance to be frozen for {Script Formula 11} seconds and the critical strike chance with Blizzard is increased by [{Script Formula 9} * 100]%.


Arcane Orb

Crimson Rune - Plasma Field
Increase the potency of the explosion to deal {Script Formula 3} - [{Script Formula 3} + {Script Formula 4}] Arcane damage.

Indigo Rune - Supernova
Modify the orb to deal {Script Formula 3} - [{Script Formula 3} + {Script Formula 4}] Arcane damage to all enemies within {Script Formula 5} yards.

Obsidian Rune - Arcane Orbit
Create {Script Formula 10} Arcane Orb(s) that orbit you, exploding for {Script Formula 3} - [{Script Formula 3} + {Script Formula 4}] Arcane damage when enemies get close.

Golden Rune - Fusion
Reduce casting cost to {Resource Cost} Arcane Power.

Alabaster Rune - Celestial Orb
The orb will pierce through targets, damaging any enemy it passes through dealing {Script Formula 3} - [{Script Formula 3} + {Script Formula 4}] Arcane damage.


Energy Shield

Crimson Rune - Wizard_EnergyShield
Increases absorption amount. Chance to reflect projectiles and melee attacks directed at player. Higher quality runes increase absorption amount. Note that this doesn't change the damage to arcanum
conversion, so the player will be burning more arcanum.

Indigo Rune - Wizard_EnergyShield
Shield absorbs X% of damage with no resource cost for first few seconds after activating. Higher quality runes increase duration of bonus shield and damage absorption.

Obsidian Rune - Wizard_EnergyShield
Chance to ignore CC effects. Higher quality runes increase chance.

Golden Rune - Wizard_EnergyShield
Improves the damage to arcanum ratio so that damage causes less arcanum spending. Higher quality runes further reduce this ratio.

Alabaster Rune - Wizard_EnergyShield
If energy shield goes down player gets a buff that regenerates Arcane Power for a short time. Higher quality runes increase the duration length.


Slow Time

Crimson Rune - Time Warp
Enemies caught in the bubble of warped time take [{Script Formula 8} * 100]% more damage.

Indigo Rune - Miasma
Slow Time effects cling to enemies for {Script Formula 12} seconds after they have left the bubble.

Obsidian Rune - Time Shell
Reduces the size of the Slow Time bubble to {Script Formula 2} yards, but increases the effect, slowing movement and attack speed of enemies by [{Script Formula 3} * 100]% while inside the bubble.

Golden Rune - Perpetuity
Reduce cooldown to {Cooldown Time} seconds.

Alabaster Rune - Fast Forward
Time is sped up for any friendly heroes standing in the bubble, increasing attack and cast speed by [{Script Formula 16} * 100]%.


Arcane Torrent

Crimson Rune - Disruption
Targets hit by Arcane Torrent become Disrupted for {Script Formula 6} seconds, causing them to take [{Script Formula 5} * 100]% additional damage from any attacks that deal Arcane damage.

Indigo Rune - Proliferation
Enemies killed by Arcane Torrent have a [{Script Formula 12} * 100]% chance to fire a new missile at a nearby enemy dealing {Script Formula 13} - [{Script Formula 13}+{Script Formula 22}] Arcane damage.

Obsidian Rune - Arcane Mines
Instead of firing projectiles, lay Arcane mines that arm after {Script Formula 27} |4second:seconds;. These mines explode when an enemy approaches
dealing {Script Formula 29} - [{Script Formula 29} + {Script Formula 30}] damage. Enemies caught in the explosion have their movement and attack speeds reduced by [{Script Formula 34} * 100]% for {Script Formula 35} seconds.

Golden Rune - Power Stone
Every missile hit has a [{Script Formula 11} * 100]% chance to leave behind a Power Stone that grants Arcane Power when picked up.

Alabaster Rune - Death Blossom
Unleash the torrent beyond your control. You can no longer direct where the projectiles go but their damage is increased to {Script Formula 17} - [{Script Formula 17}+{Script Formula 18}] Arcane damage.



Crimson Rune - Improved Archon
Increase damage of all Archon abilities by [{Script Formula 9} * 100]%.

Indigo Rune - Slow Time
Archon form can now cast a Slow Time that lasts for {Script Formula 13} |4second:seconds;.

Obsidian Rune - Teleport
Archon form can now cast Teleport with a cooldown of {Script Formula 14} |4second:seconds;.

Golden Rune - Pure Power
Decrease the cooldown of Archon to [{Cooldown Time}] |4second:seconds;.

Alabaster Rune - Arcane Destruction
An explosion errupts when you transform causing {Script Formula 5} - [{Script Formula 5} + {Script Formula 6}] Arcane damage to all enemies within {Script Formula 7} yards.



Crimson Rune - Sparkflint
Increase damage of all attacks by [{Script Formula 20} * 100]% while Familiar is active.

Indigo Rune - Cannoneer
Familiar's projectiles explode on impact dealing {Script Formula 2} - [{Script Formula 2} + {Script Formula 3}] Arcane damage to all enemies within {Script Formula 24} yards.

Obsidian Rune - Dartling
Familiar's projectiles have a [{Script Formula 29} * 100]% chance to pierce through enemies.

Golden Rune - Arcanot
While the Familiar is active you regenerate {Script Formula 32} Arcane Power per minute.

Alabaster Rune - Ancient Guardian
While you are below [{Script Formula 35} * 100]% Life the Familiar will absorb up to {Script Formula 36} attacks directed at you. If it absorbs all its attacks it will disintegrate.


Explosive Blast

Crimson Rune - Short Fuse
An energy explosion fires immediately for {Script Formula 0} - [{Script Formula 0}+{Script Formula 1}] physical damage.

Indigo Rune - Obliterate
Increase the explosion radius to {Script Formula 2} yards for {Script Formula 0} - [{Script Formula 0}+{Script Formula 1}] physical damage.

Obsidian Rune - Time Bomb
The blast detonates from the point it was originally cast after {Script Formula 5} seconds for {Script Formula 0} - [{Script Formula 0}+{Script Formula 1}] physical damage.

Golden Rune - Unleashed
Reduces the casting cost to {Resource Cost} Arcane Power.

Alabaster Rune - Chain Reaction
{Script Formula 8} consecutive explosions cascade off you that each cause {Script Formula 0} - [{Script Formula 0}+{Script Formula 1}] physical damage.


Diamond Skin

Crimson Rune - Mirror Skin
Reflects [{Script Formula 1}*100]% of damage absorbed back at the attacker.

Indigo Rune - Lasting Impression
Increase duration to {Script Formula 5} seconds.

Obsidian Rune - Rock Solid
Increase the maximum absorption amount to {Script Formula 0} damage.

Golden Rune - Prism
Reduce Arcane Power cost of all spells by {Script Formula 4} while Diamond Skin is active.

Alabaster Rune - Diamond Shards
When Diamond Skin wears off, diamond shards will explode in all directions dealing {Script Formula 2} - [{Script Formula 2}+{Script Formula 3}] physical damage to enemies nearby.



Crimson Rune - Frost Hydra
Summon Frost Hydras that breathe a short range cone of frost causing {Script Formula 4} - [{Script Formula 4} + {Script Formula 5}] Cold damage to all enemies in the cone.

Indigo Rune - Lightning Hydra
Summon Lightning Hydras that shock enemies for {Script Formula 4} - [{Script Formula 4} + {Script Formula 5}] Lightning damage.

Obsidian Rune - Venom Hydra
Summon Poison Breathing Hydras that leave a pool of acid causing {Script Formula 4} - [{Script Formula 4} + {Script Formula 5}] Poison damage per second to enemies who remain in the pool.

Golden Rune - Brimstone Serpent
Summon one Mammoth Hydra that breathes a wall of flame at nearby enemies dealing {Script Formula 4} - [{Script Formula 4} + {Script Formula 5}] Fire damage per second to enemies caught in the burning ground.

Alabaster Rune - Arcane Hydra
Summon Arcane Hydras that spit Arcane Orbs which explode on impact causing {Script Formula 4} - [{Script Formula 4} + {Script Formula 5}] Arcane damage to enemies near the explosion.



Crimson Rune - Molten Impact
Increase the damage of the meteor impact to {Script Formula 0} - [{Script Formula 0} + {Script Formula 1}] Fire damage and the molten fire will do an additional {Script Formula 2} - [{Script Formula 2} + {Script Formula 20}] Fire damage over {Script Formula 5} seconds.

Indigo Rune - Meteor Shower
Unleash a volley of {Script Formula 9} smaller meteors that strike for {Script Formula 0} - [{Script Formula 0} + {Script Formula 1}] Fire damage.

Obsidian Rune - Comet
Transforms the meteor to ice that deals {Script Formula 0} - [{Script Formula 0} + {Script Formula 1}] Cold damage on impact and freezes the ground, causing {Script Formula 2} - [{Script Formula 2} + {Script Formula 20}] Cold damage over {Script Formula 5} seconds. The movement of enemies in the area will also be slowed by [{Script Formula 6} * 100]%.

Golden Rune - Star Pact
Reduce casting cost to {Script Formula 8} Arcane Power.

Alabaster Rune - Liquify
If the initial impact critically hits any targets the molten fire duration is increased to {Script Formula 7} seconds.


Magic Weapon

Crimson Rune - Ignite
Melee attacks burn enemies with fire for [{Script Formula 4} * 100]% of weapon damage for {Script Formula 3} seconds.

Indigo Rune - Electrify
Melee attacks cause lightning to arc to {Script Formula 6} nearby enemies dealing [{Script Formula 7} * 100]% of weapon damage as Lightning damage.

Obsidian Rune - Force Weapon
Increases damage bonus to [{Script Formula 14} * 100]% physical damage, and gives a [{Script Formula 9}*100]% chance to knock back any enemies hit.

Golden Rune - Conduit
Melee hits restore [{Script Formula 11} * 100]% Arcane Power.

Alabaster Rune - Blood Magic
Melee hits recover [{Script Formula 12} * 100]% of damage caused as Life.


TRAIT(?): Energy Reserves

Crimson Rune - Trait_Wizard_EnergyReserves
Increases absorption amount. Chance to reflect projectiles and melee attacks directed at player. Higher quality runes increase absorption amount. Note that this doesn't change the damage to arcanum conversion, so the player will be burning more arcanum.

Indigo Rune - Trait_Wizard_EnergyReserves
Shield absorbs X% of damage with no resource cost for first few seconds after activating. Higher quality runes increase duration of bonus shield and damage absorption.

Obsidian Rune - Trait_Wizard_EnergyReserves
Chance to ignore CC effects. Higher quality runes increase chance.

Golden Rune - Trait_Wizard_EnergyReserves
Improves the damage to arcanum ratio so that damage causes less arcanum spending. Higher quality runes further reduce this ratio.

Alabaster Rune - Trait_Wizard_EnergyReserves
If energy shield goes down player gets a buff that regenerates Arcane Power for a short time. Higher quality runes increase the duration length.


Energy Armor (Unknown Ability)

Crimson Rune - Mirrorball
Increases all of your resistances by [{Script Formula 4}*100]% while Energy Armor is active.

Indigo Rune - Energy Tap
Rather than reducing your maximum Arcane Power, it is increased by {Script Formula 6} while Energy Armor is active.

Obsidian Rune - Emergency Shelter
While Energy Armor is active, incoming attacks that would deal more than [{Script Formula 8}*100]% of your maximum Life are reduced to deal [{Script Formula 8}*100]% of your maximum Life instead.

Golden Rune - Absorption Field
Gain {Script Formula 11} Arcane Power whenever you are hit by an ranged or melee attack.

Alabaster Rune - Pinpoint Barrier
Also increases your Precision by [{Script Formula 13}*100]% while Energy Armor is active.
Resource_Max_Bonus#Arcanum [{VALUE}|+|] Arcane Power

Balance - in all things
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