Похоже что в Д3 мы будем воевать не только с коровами, но и с Пони))) об этом свидетельствуют некоторые записи которые китайцы нарыли в дата файлах:
A4_1000MonsterFight_Encounter_Name Boss: Battle For Ponies
A4_1000MonsterFight_Taunt_Text The battle for ponies is about to begin.
A4_1000MonsterFight_Join_Instruction {s1} is about to witness
A4_1000MonsterFight_Enter_Instruction You are about to witness
A4_1000MonsterFight_Info_Text The rest of your party will be able to teleport in once you enter
BridlePurpose_Encounter_Name The Pinnacle of Ponies Event
BridlePurpose_Join_Instruction {s1} is about to enter
BridlePurpose_Enter_Instruction You are about to enter
BridlePurpose_Info_Text The rest of your party will be able to teleport in once you enter
Ponies_HopePrison Hope's Prison
PoniesPurificationTimer Purification Timer
Bridle_Ponies Bridle
BridleRitual_Encounter_Name Cells of the Condemned Event
BridleRitual_Join_Instruction {s1} is about to enter
BridleRitual_Enter_Instruction You are about to enter
BridleRitual_Info_Text The rest of your party will be able to teleport in once you enter
Possibly this as well, given that dressage is a equestrian term:
Dressage_Encounter_Name Boss: The Larder
Dressage_Taunt_Text Defeat the demon Dressage!
Dressage_Join_Instruction {s1} is about to enter
Dressage_Enter_Instruction You are about to enter
Dressage_Info_Text The rest of your party will be able to teleport in once you enter
So it looks to be a timed event, possibly with the end boss being named The Larder, probably freeing ponies on your way.
Edit: There's also a recipe for this item
Smith_StaffOfCow Staff Of Cow
Edit 2: Rewards?:
Quest_Act4_PoniessFall_MonkReward Magic Fist Weapon
Quest_Act4_PoniessFall_DHReward Magic Hand Crossbow
Quest_Act4_PoniessFall_BarbReward Magic Weapon
Quest_Act4_PoniessFall_WDReward Ceremonial Dagger
Quest_Act4_PoniessFall_WizReward Magic Wand
Bad guys are horses?:
TentacleHorse Rainbow Western
Unique_TentacleHorse_A Midnight Sparkle
TentacleHorse_B_Unique Nightmarity
Unique_TentacleHorse_A Nightmare is Magic
Unique_TentacleHorse_B Generosity in Death"